The IPO Cascade was conceived to support the many excellent entrepreneurial ventures with phenomenal potential that either lack the assets to pledge, in order to raise debt to expand their businesses, or lack the available funds from working capital to pay for the expense of a public equity listing.
瑞士金融家 最初通过交易融资为个体企业提供解决方案,通过邀请外部投资者资助和参与这些公司重估的转型之旅,为优秀公司上市提供了一条途径,否则这些公司可能会被传统投资银行界忽视从私人实体到公共实体。
The IPO Cascade expanded upon that individual venture premise by creating a platform which spawned a continuous series of public offerings, each one funding another two, creating a waterfall of issuance. The Cascade can be created to support parent entity, institution, or family that wishes to list a series of their private holdings, subsidiaries, cross-shareholdings or new ventures as part of a broader financing or expansion program. Or, it can be operated as a pure opportunistic platform selecting prime ventures based on selected criteria. Either way, the whole program, once stimulated, becomes self funding.
这种可靠的自筹资金和自我永续的概念自然激发了在级联本身的每个公司中利用相同原则的想法。与其仅仅资助一个让公司生机勃勃的项目,为什么不创建自己可以自筹资金并可以无限增长的公司呢?因此,Perpetual Company 诞生了,它体现了许多成功的慈善基金会和捐赠基金所坚持的许多相同原则,但将这些原则嵌入公司的细则和股东协议中,以创建并确保一家长期增长的营利性公司。
发明人 马克·德斯切诺, the IPO Cascade was conceived to support the many excellent entrepreneurial ventures with phenomenal potential that either lack the assets to pledge, in order to raise debt to expand their businesses, or lack the available funds from working capital to pay for the expense of a public equity listing.


