The IPO Cascade was conceived to support the many excellent entrepreneurial ventures with phenomenal potential that either lack the assets to pledge, in order to raise debt to expand their businesses, or lack the available funds from working capital to pay for the expense of a public equity listing.
スイスの金融業者 同社は当初、トランザクションファンディングを通じた個別ベンチャー向けのソリューションを提示しました。トランザクションファンディングは、外部投資家に資金を提供して企業の再評価という変革の旅に参加してもらうことで、従来の投資銀行業界では見落とされていた例外的な企業の上場への道を提供します。民間から公的機関へ。
The IPO Cascade expanded upon that individual venture premise by creating a platform which spawned a continuous series of public offerings, each one funding another two, creating a waterfall of issuance. The Cascade can be created to support parent entity, institution, or family that wishes to list a series of their private holdings, subsidiaries, cross-shareholdings or new ventures as part of a broader financing or expansion program. Or, it can be operated as a pure opportunistic platform selecting prime ventures based on selected criteria. Either way, the whole program, once stimulated, becomes self funding.
発明者 マルク・デシュノー, the IPO Cascade was conceived to support the many excellent entrepreneurial ventures with phenomenal potential that either lack the assets to pledge, in order to raise debt to expand their businesses, or lack the available funds from working capital to pay for the expense of a public equity listing.


